* Reads a file and returns the file's contents.
* @param file a {@link Blob}
* @return {Promise<unknown>} the file's contents
const readFile = (file) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onerror = reject;
reader.onload = () => resolve(reader.result);
* Creates an image from a given source.
* @param src the source for the image
* @return {Promise<Image>} the created image
const loadImage = async (src) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const image = new Image();
image.onerror = reject;
image.onload = () => resolve(image);
image.src = src;
* Creates an image from an image source and scales it to the requested size.
* @param imageSource a file path or a loaded image source (see {@link loadImage})
* @param width the width to which the created image should be scaled to.
* @return {Promise<{densityImage: ImageData, mapToLocation: ImageData}>}
const createImageData = async (imageSource, width) => {
const image = await loadImage(imageSource);
// get image data in target resolution
const ratio = width / image.width;
const scaledHeight = image.height * ratio;
const ctx = new OffscreenCanvas(width, scaledHeight).getContext('2d');
ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0, image.width, image.height, 0, 0, width, scaledHeight);
return {
densityImage: ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, scaledHeight),
mapToLocation: ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, scaledHeight)
* Creates a gradient image.
* @param width the width of the image.
* @param height the height of the image.
* @param fromTo a flat array containing the coordinates of the start and end point of the gradient ([x0, y0, x1, y1]), defaults to: [0, 0, width, 0]
* @return gradientImage a {@link CanvasImageData.getImageData}
const createGradientImage = (width, height, fromTo = undefined) => {
const bounds = [0, 0, width, height];
if (!fromTo) {
// just point from left to right by default
fromTo = [...bounds];
fromTo[3] = 0;
const context2D = new OffscreenCanvas(width, height).getContext('2d');
const gradient = context2D.createLinearGradient(...fromTo);
gradient.addColorStop(0, 'black');
gradient.addColorStop(1, 'white');
context2D.fillStyle = gradient;
return context2D.getImageData(...bounds);
* Scales a value from an original range to a target range.
* @param oMin the minimum value of the original range.
* @param oMax the maximum value of the original range.
* @param tMin the minimum value of the target range.
* @param tMax the maximum value of the target range.
* @param v the value to scale.
* @returns number the value of v in the target range
const scaleToRange = (oMin, oMax, tMin, tMax, v) => ((v - oMin) / (oMax - oMin)) * (tMax - tMin) + tMin;
* Finds the minimum of an array of numbers (use this instead of Math.min(...array) if your array is very large).
* @param arr an array of numbers
* @returns number the minimum value in arr
const arrayMin = (arr) => arr.reduce((min, x) => min > x ? x : min, Infinity);
* Finds the maximum of an array of numbers (use this instead of Math.max(...array) if your array is very large).
* @param arr an array of numbers
* @returns number the maximum value in arr
const arrayMax = (arr) => arr.reduce((max, x) => max > x ? max : x, -Infinity);
* Renders a dataset to a {@link CanvasImageData.getImageData} and collects the individual data points in a backing 2d
* array that can be used to map locations in the rendered image to their corresponding data points.
* @param data an array containing the data to render
* @param width the width of the image to render
* @param height the height of the image to render
* @param xAttribute the name of the attribute holding the x-coordinate in a single item in the given data array
* @param yAttribute the name of the attribute holding the y-coordinate in a single item in the given data array
* @param mapLocation a function mapping the x and y coordinate of a single item in the given data array to its location in the rendered image.
* Takes an array of two floats and returns an array of two floats, defaults to the identity function.
* If mapLocation is falsy, all x and y coordinates are mapped to the bounds of the rendered image.
* @param scaleByMaxDensity a boolean flag, if set the rendered image is scaled by the maximum density in the image resulting in a grayscale image. Otherwise the result is a binary image. If your data set is sparse you'll probably want the latter.
* @returns {{densityImage: ImageData, locationToData: any[]}} an object containing the rendered image and the backing 2d array.
const createImageFromData = (data, width, height, xAttribute, yAttribute, mapLocation = (xy) => xy, scaleByMaxDensity = false) => {
const filteredData = data.filter(d => d[xAttribute] && d[yAttribute]).map(d => {
d[xAttribute] = parseFloat(d[xAttribute]);
d[yAttribute] = parseFloat(d[yAttribute]);
return d;
if (!filteredData) {
throw new Error(`Data has zero elements with both ${xAttribute} and ${yAttribute} set`);
if (!mapLocation) {
const xCoords = filteredData.map(d => d[xAttribute]);
const yCoords = filteredData.map(d => d[yAttribute]);
const scaleX = scaleToRange.bind(null, arrayMin(xCoords), arrayMax(xCoords), 0, width - 1);
const scaleY = scaleToRange.bind(null, arrayMin(yCoords), arrayMax(yCoords), 0, height - 1);
mapLocation = (xy) => [scaleX(xy[0]), scaleY(xy[1])];
const density = new Array(width * height).fill(0.0);
const locationToData = new Array(width * height);
for (let i = 0; i < locationToData.length; i++) {
locationToData[i] = [];
filteredData.forEach(d => {
const location = mapLocation([d[xAttribute], d[yAttribute]]);
if (location) {
const x = Math.floor(location[0]);
const y = Math.floor(location[1]);
const i = (y * width) + x;
if (locationToData[i]) {
density[i] += 1.0;
} else {
console.log(`Sample out of bounds: ${i} not in [0, ${locationToData.length})`);
const maxDensity = density.reduce((max, x) => max > x ? max : x, 0.0);
return {
densityImage: floatArrayToImageData(
scaleByMaxDensity ? density.map(d => d / maxDensity) : density,
* Creates a D3 projection.
* @param width the width of the projection
* @param height the height of the projection
* @param projectionMethod the
* @returns function a D3 projection.
const createProjection = (width, height, projectionMethod = 'geoAlbersUsa') => {
let defaultHeight = 1;
switch (projectionMethod) {
case 'geoAlbersUsa':
defaultHeight = 500;
return d3[projectionMethod]()
.translate([width / 2, height / 2]) // translate to center
.scale(d3[projectionMethod]().scale() * (height / defaultHeight));
* Calculates the height for a given width and projection method.
* @param width the width for which the height should be calculated
* @param projectionMethod the projection method for which the height should be calculated
* @return {number} the calculated height
const getProjectionHeight = (width, projectionMethod = 'geoAlbersUsa') => {
switch (projectionMethod) {
case 'geoAlbersUsa':
return 500 * (width / 960);
throw new Error(`Unknown projection method: ${projectionMethod}`);
* A specialization of {@link createImageFromData} for geographic projections.
* @param data the data source
* @param width the width of the resulting image
* @param height the height of the resulting image. If this is not set, it is calculated using {@link getProjectionHeight}.
* @param projectionMethod the projection method to use.
* @param longitudeAttribute the name of the longitude attribute of items in the data array
* @param latitudeAttribute the name of the latitude attribute of items in the data array.
* @param scaleByMaxDensity a boolean flag, if set the rendered image is scaled by the maximum density in the image resulting in a grayscale image. Otherwise the result is a binary image. If your data set is sparse you'll probably want the latter.
* @returns {{densityImage: ImageData, locationToData: any[]}} an object containing the rendered image and the backing 2d array.
const createGeographicDataImage = (data, width, height = null, projectionMethod = 'geoAlbersUsa', longitudeAttribute = 'LON', latitudeAttribute = 'LAT', scaleByMaxDensity = false) => {
height = height === null ? getProjectionHeight(width, projectionMethod) : height;
const projection = createProjection(width, height, projectionMethod);
return createImageFromData(data, width, height, longitudeAttribute, latitudeAttribute, projection, scaleByMaxDensity);