* Stippling based on Görtler et al. 'Stippling of 2D Scalar Fields'.
* Some utility functions.
* Clamps a number to a given range.
* @param val the number to clamp to the given range
* @param lower the lower bound of the range val will be clamped to. Defaults to 0.
* @param upper the upper bound of the range val will be clamped to. Defaults to 1.
* @returns {number} the clamped value.
const clamp = (val, lower = 0.0, upper = 1.0) => Math.min(upper, Math.max(lower, val));
* Converts an RGBA color to a luminance value.
* Each component is assumed to be in range [0, 255].
* The alpha component is ignored.
* @param r the R component of the RGBA color.
* @param g the G component of the RGBA color.
* @param b the B component of the RGBA color.
* @param _a the A component of the RGBA color. This value is ignored.
* @return {number} the calculated luminance value.
const rgbaToLuminance = (r, g, b, _a) => (0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b) / 255.0;
* Creates an array of num equally spaced quantization steps.
* @param num the number of quantization steps.
* @return {number[]} an array of quantization steps.
const createQuantization = (num) => {
const fraction = 1.0 / num;
const quantization = [];
for (let q = fraction; q < 1.0; q += fraction) {
return quantization;
* Quantize a given array of floating point values based on a given quantization array (e.g. as returned by {@link createQuantization}).
* All values in the given array are assumed to be between 0 and 1.
* Otherwise the given quantization steps should match the scale of the given array.
* @param arr the array of floating point values that should be quantized.
* @param quantization an array of quantization steps (e.g. as returned by {@link createQuantization}).
* @return {number[]} the quantized array of floating point values
const quantize = (arr, quantization) => {
return arr.map(p => {
for (let i = 0; i < quantization.length; ++i) {
if (p < quantization[i]) {
if (i === 0) {
return 0;
} else {
return quantization[i - 1];
return 1.0;
* Creates an {@link ImageData} from a given 1D array of floating point values, where each value will be converted to a
* single RGBA value.
* The alpha component of all values in the resulting {@link ImageData} is 255.
* The length of the array must be divisible by the given stride.
* The values in the given array are assumed to be either in range [0,1] or [-1,1]. In the latter case, use
* mapFromMinus1 to indicate that the values should be mapped to [0,1] before converting them to RGBA values.
* However, the computed color values are clamped to range [0, 255], so unexpected values in the given array are silently
* ignored.
* @param arr a 1D array of floating point values
* @param stride the stride to use when converting the array (i.e. the width of the resulting {@link ImageData}).
* @param mapFromMinus1 a boolean flag. If set to true, the values in arr are assumed to be in range [-1,1] and are converted to range [0,1] before calculating the RGBA value.
* @return {ImageData} the created {@link ImageData} instance
const floatArrayToImageData = (arr, stride, mapFromMinus1 = false) => {
const mapVal = mapFromMinus1 ? p => (p + 1.0) / 2.0 : p => p;
return new ImageData(
new Uint8ClampedArray(arr.map(p => {
const v = clamp(Math.round(mapVal(p) * 255), 0, 255);
return [v, v, v, 255];
arr.length / stride);
* Converts an {@link ImageData} instance to a float array.
* @param imageData the {@link ImageData} to convert
* @param rgbaToFloat a mapping function for converting an RGBA value to a floating point value. Must have the signature (number, number, number, number) => number. Defaults to {@link rgbaToLuminance}.
* @return {{data: number[], maxValue: number}} an object containing the created array as well as the maximum value in the created array.
const imageDataToFloatArray = (imageData, rgbaToFloat = rgbaToLuminance) => {
const data = [];
let maxValue = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < imageData.data.length; i += 4) {
const density = rgbaToFloat(
imageData.data[i + 1],
imageData.data[i + 2],
imageData.data[i + 3]
if (maxValue < density) {
maxValue = density;
return {data, maxValue};
* Calculates the axis aligned bounding box of a given polygon given as a set of points (i.e. [[x1,y1], [x2,y2], ... , [xN, yN]]).
* @param points an array of points on a polygon (i.e. [[x1,y1], [x2,y2], ... , [xN, yN]]).
* @return {{min: number[], max: number[]}} the axis aligned bounding box of the given polygon given by its minimum and maximum position (i.e. their coordinates as a number array [x1,y1]).
const polygonBounds = (points) => {
let minX = Infinity;
let minY = Infinity;
let maxX = 0;
let maxY = 0;
for (const [x, y] of points) {
if (x < minX) {
minX = x;
if (x > maxX) {
maxX = x;
if (y < minY) {
minY = y;
if (y > maxY) {
maxY = y;
return {min: [minX, minY], max: [maxX, maxY]};
* The axis aligned bounding box of a polygon given as a set of points (i.e. [[x1,y1], [x2,y2], ... , [xN, yN]]) rounded
* to integer coordinates.
* Calls {@link polygonBounds} internally.
* @param points an array of points on a polygon (i.e. [[x1,y1], [x2,y2], ... , [xN, yN]]).
* @param toInt a function for mapping floating point values to integers. Must have the signature (number) => number. Defaults to {@link Math#round}.
* @return {{min: number[], max: number[]}} the axis aligned bounding box of the given polygon with integer coordinates only.
const integerBounds = (points, toInt = Math.round) => {
const bounds = polygonBounds(points);
bounds.min = bounds.min.map(toInt);
bounds.max = bounds.max.map(toInt);
return bounds;
* Finds the index of the Voronoi region a given point falls into in a given Voronoi diagram.
* @param x the x coordinate of the given point
* @param y the y coordinate of the given point
* @param voronoi a Voronoi diagram
* @returns number the index of the Voronoi region the given point falls into
const getVoronoiCell = ([x, y], voronoi) => {
return voronoi.delaunay.find(x, y);
* Calculates the axis aligned bounding box of a {@link Stipple} using the corresponding Voronoi diagram that was
* returned alongside the {@link Stipple} by {@link stipple} or {@link stippleParallel}.
* See also:
* - {@link getVoronoiCell}
* - {@link polygonBounds}
* @param stipple the given {@link Stipple}
* @param voronoi the Voronoi diagram
* @return {{min: number[], max: number[]}} the axis aligned bounding box of the given {@link Stipple}
const stippleBounds = (stipple, voronoi) => {
let index = getVoronoiCell(stipple.position(), voronoi);
let cell = voronoi.cellPolygon(index);
return polygonBounds(cell);
* Creates a canvas as a child of a div-tag and uses it to present the given {@link ImageData} instance.
* @param img the {@link ImageData} to show
* @param divName a string, the id of the div
const showImage = (img, divName) => {
const ctx = d3.select(`#${divName}`)
.attr('width', img.width)
.attr('height', img.height)
ctx.putImageData(img, 0, 0);
* Calculates two new cell centroids from a Voronoi cell that should be split.
* @param cell the convex hull of a Voronoi cell as an array of points (i.e. [[x1,y1], [x2,y2], ... , [xN, yN]]).
* @returns {{position1: any[], position2: any[]}} the two new centers of the split Voronoi cell
const splitCell = (cell) => {
// Note: this is a very naive implementation that chooses two new centroids that are halfway from the cell's centroid
// to the two corners which are the farthest away from the center.
// In some cases these two points might be very close together. Choosing more optimal centroids would probably lead
// to faster convergence.
const centroid = d3.polygonCentroid(cell);
let largestDir = [0, 0];
let secondLargestDir = [0, 0];
let largestDistance = 0;
let secondLargestDistance = 0;
for (const p of cell) {
const direction = [
p[0] - centroid[0],
p[1] - centroid[1]
const squaredDistance = direction.reduce((acc, c) => acc + Math.pow(c, 2), 0);
if (squaredDistance > largestDistance) {
secondLargestDistance = largestDistance;
secondLargestDir = largestDir;
largestDistance = squaredDistance;
largestDir = direction;
return {
position1: [
centroid[0] + largestDir[0] * 0.5,
centroid[1] + largestDir[1] * 0.5
position2: [
centroid[0] + secondLargestDir[0] * 0.5,
centroid[1] + secondLargestDir[1] * 0.5
* Helper classes
* A stipple as returned by {@link stipple}.
* Has a position (x, y) coordinate with respect to the dimensions of the underlying {@link DensityFunction2D},
* and a density ∈ [0,1].
* A stipple also has a relative position that is independent of the underlying {@link DensityFunction2D} and can be
* used to scale a visualization to a new resolution more easily.
class Stipple {
constructor(x, y) {
this.setPosition(x, y);
this.density = 0;
this.relativeX = 0;
this.relativeY = 0;
this.absoluteDensity = 0;
* Creates an array of randomly placed stipples in a 2D region with lower bounds (0,0) and upper bounds (xScale, yScale).
* @param numStipples the number of {@link Stipple} instances to create
* @param xScale the upper bound for x coordinates of created {@link Stipple} instances
* @param yScale the upper bound for y coordinates of created {@link Stipple} instances
* @param sampler a callable factory for creating sampling functions. Must have the signature (number, number, ...) => function<number()>. Defaults to {@link d3.randomUniform}.
* @return {Stipple[]} an array of randomly placed {@link Stipple} instances.
static createRandomStipples(numStipples, xScale = 1, yScale = 1, sampler = d3.randomUniform) {
const xSampler = sampler(0, xScale);
const ySampler = sampler(0, yScale);
const stipples = Array(numStipples);
for (let i = 0; i < numStipples; ++i) {
stipples[i] = new Stipple(xSampler(), ySampler());
return stipples;
* Sets the position for this stipple based on new x and y coordinates.
* @param x the new x coordinate of this stipple
* @param y the new y coordinate of this stipple
setPosition(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
* The position of this stipple with respect to the dimensions of the {@link DensityFunction2D} it was created from.
* @return {number[]} the position of this stipple as an array containing its x and y coordinates (i.e. [x,y])
position() {
return [this.x, this.y];
* A discrete 2-dimensional density function.
* Can be created from an {@link ImageData} instance.
class DensityFunction2D {
* Note: For performance reasons, if data is a 1d-array it is destroyed in the process of building the density
* function.
* @param data
* @param stride the width of the 2d function. only needed if data is a 1d-array
constructor(data, stride = 0) {
if (data instanceof DensityFunction2D) {
this.data = data.data;
this.width = data.width;
this.height = data.height;
} else if (!Array.isArray(data[0])) {
if (!stride) {
throw new Error('data is a 1d-array and stride is 0');
this.width = stride;
this.data = [];
while (data.length) {
this.data.push(data.splice(0, stride));
this.height = this.data.length;
} else {
this.data = data;
this.width = data.length;
this.height = data[0].length;
* Creates a basic {@link DensityFunction2D} from an {@link ImageData} instance.
* Pixel data is mapped to a float value and scaled to the range [0,1]
* @param imageData an {@link ImageData} instance (e.g. from CanvasRenderingContext2D.getImageData()).
* @param rgbaToDensity (optional) maps 4 positive integers (r,g,b,a) to a float value
* @returns {DensityFunction2D}
static fromImageData2D(imageData, rgbaToDensity = rgbaToLuminance) {
const {data, maxValue: maxDensity} = imageDataToFloatArray(imageData, rgbaToDensity);
return new DensityFunction2D(data.map(p => p / maxDensity), imageData.width);
* Creates a {@link DensityFunction2D} with artificial contours from an {@link ImageData} instance.
* The contours are created as follows:
* Φ' = Φ + 2w (C - G_dxd * C - 0.5), if C - G_dxd * C > 0.5
* Φ' = Φ + 2w (C - G_dxd * C - 1.0), if C - G_dxd * C <= 0.5
* where...
* ...Φ is the original density function (i.e. the {@link ImageData},
* ...w is a weight controlling the strength of the contouring effect (w ∈ [0, 1])
* ...C is a quantized version of Φ
* ...G_dxd is a Gaussian blur kernel with radius d
* See: Görtler et al. Stippling of 2D Scalar Fields
* @param imageData an {@link ImageData} instance (e.g. from {@link CanvasImageData.getImageData}).
* @param quantization a positive integer (quantization will be equal steps of size 1/quantization) or an array of quantization steps
* @param weight (optional) a float in range [0,1], determines the strength of the contours. Default: 0.5
* @param blurRadius (optional) the radius of the Gaussian blur applied to imageData. Default: 4
* @param rgbaToDensity (optional) maps 4 positive integers (r,g,b,a) to a float value. Default: {@link rgbaToLuminance}
* @param debugDiv (optional) a string, the id of a div that should be used to display intermediate results. Default: undefined
* @return {DensityFunction2D}
static machBandingFromImageData2D(imageData, quantization = 5, weight = 0.5, blurRadius = 4, rgbaToDensity = rgbaToLuminance, debugDiv = "mapDiv") {
if (!Array.isArray(quantization)) {
quantization = createQuantization(quantization);
const {data: originalData} = imageDataToFloatArray(imageData, rgbaToDensity);
// C (quantize image)
const quantizedData = quantize(originalData, quantization);
// G_dxd * C (blur image)
const blurSize = Math.pow(blurRadius, 2.0) * Math.PI;
const quantizedImage = floatArrayToImageData(quantizedData, imageData.width);
const offscreenCanvas = new OffscreenCanvas(imageData.width, imageData.height);
const blurringContext = offscreenCanvas.getContext('2d');
blurringContext.putImageData(quantizedImage, 0, 0);
blurringContext.filter = `blur(${blurSize}px)`;
blurringContext.drawImage(offscreenCanvas, 0, 0);
const blurredImage = blurringContext.getImageData(0, 0, imageData.width, imageData.height);
const {data: blurredData} = imageDataToFloatArray(blurredImage);
const deltaData = [];
const machBanded = [];
for (let i = 0; i < imageData.width * imageData.height; ++i) {
// Note: in the paper the weight is only doubled and depending on its value either 0.5 or 1 is substracted
// frm delta. However, our delta values are in a different range
machBanded.push(clamp(originalData[i] + 4 * weight * (quantizedData[i] - blurredData[i])));
if (debugDiv) {
deltaData.push(quantizedData[i] - blurredData[i]);
// debug: show all stages
if (debugDiv) {
showImage(quantizedImage, debugDiv);
showImage(blurredImage, debugDiv);
showImage(floatArrayToImageData(deltaData, imageData.width, true), debugDiv);
showImage(floatArrayToImageData(machBanded, imageData.width), debugDiv);
return new DensityFunction2D(machBanded, imageData.width);
* Returns the density at a point given as x & y coordinates on this 2D density function.
* @param x the x coordinate
* @param y the y coordinate
* @return {number} the density at the given point
density(x, y) {
return this.data[y][x];
* Returns the accumulated density within a given polygon on this 2D density function.
* @param polygon a polygon given as array of points (i.e.: [[x1,y1], [x2,y2], ... , [xN, yN]])
* @return {Promise<number>} the accumulated density within the given polygon on this 2D density function.
async areaDensity(polygon) {
// this doesn't have any async calls, but we could e.g. add a backing tf.tensor2D to perform this operation
// which would be asynchronous (& hopefully faster)
const {min, max} = integerBounds(polygon);
let density = 0;
for (let y = min[1]; y < max[1]; ++y) {
for (let x = min[0]; x < max[0]; ++x) {
if (d3.polygonContains(polygon, [x, y])) {
density += this.density(x, y);
return density;
* Assigns density values to each element in a given array of {@link Stipple} instances based on the accumulated
* density in their corresponding Voronoi regions.
* @param stipples an array of {@link Stipple} instances.
* @param voronoi the Voronoi regions for the given stipples - must be in the same order.
* @return Stipple[]
assignDensity(stipples, voronoi) {
stipples.forEach(s => s.density = 0);
let lastFound = 0;
let lastFoundRow = Array(this.width);
for (let y = 0; y < this.height; ++y) {
for (let x = 0; x < this.width; ++x) {
// We use either the cell index of the pixel above or the pixel to the left, but prefer the one to the
// top. Both choices are correct in approximately 60% of the cases, but if the choice was wrong then
// choosing the pixel to the top will require us only to search (width + 1) cells in the worst case
// whereas when choosing the pixel to the pixel to left we would have to search almost all other cells
// in the worst case (because of how Delaunay.find is implemented).
if (lastFoundRow[x]) {
lastFound = lastFoundRow[x];
lastFound = voronoi.delaunay.find(x, y, lastFound);
lastFoundRow[x] = lastFound;
if (stipples[lastFound] === undefined) {
stipples[lastFound].density += this.density(x, y);
return stipples;
* Not implemented (yet?)
* For restricted stippling contours have to be defined manually
class RestrictedStipplingDensityFunction2D extends DensityFunction2D {
constructor() {
super([], 1);
throw new Error('Not implemented :(');
* Creates stipples for a given target density function ({@link DensityFunction2D}) using the algorithm presented by
* Görtler et al. (Stippling of 2D Scalar Fields).
* For contouring techniques either use a {@link DensityFunction2D} created via {@link DensityFunction2D#machBandingFromImageData2D}
* or a {@link RestrictedStipplingDensityFunction2D} instead of a plain {@link DensityFunction2D}.
* Note that the function returns a {@link Promise}, so you either have to await it in an async context or use its
* return values in a {@link Promise} chain.
* @param targetDensityFunction a {@link DensityFunction2D}
* @param stippleRadius the radius of a {@link Stipple} with respect to the resolution of the {@link DensityFunction2D}
* @param initialErrorThreshold the initial error threshold used for splitting and merging stipples.
* @param thresholdConvergenceRate the error threshold is increased by this amount in every iteration
* @return {Promise<{voronoi: any, stipples: Stipple[]}>} an object containing an array of genereated {@link Stipple} instances as well as a corresponding Voronoi diagram.
const stipple = async (targetDensityFunction, stippleRadius = 5.0, initialErrorThreshold = 0.0, thresholdConvergenceRate = 0.01) => {
/* Görtler et al:
* Input: target density function PHI
* Output: list of stipples S
* S <- initialize random stipples
* repeat
* V <- compute Voronoi diagram of S using PHI
* foreach s in S do
* Ts <- Integral over Vs (PHI(x,y)) dA
* if restricted stippling then
* Ts <- argmax Integral over Vs (c_i(x,y) PHI(x,y)) dA
* else if Mach-banding
* Ts <- Integral over Vs (PHI'(x,y)) dA
* end
* foreach Voronoi cell Vs in V and resp. stipple s do
* if Density Ts too low then
* remove s from S
* else if Density Ts too high then
* split s into two and add to S
* else
* move s to weighted centroid of Vs
* end
* end
* until no more splits and merges
* return S
* For discrete scalar fields the integral over Vs is just the sum(PHI(i)), for all points i in Vs.
// keep track of computation time for indiviual steps
const now = Date.now();
let timeVoronoi = 0;
let timeDensity = 0;
let timeStipples = 0;
const stippleArea = Math.pow(stippleRadius, 2) * Math.PI;
const numInitialStipples = Math.round(
((targetDensityFunction.width * targetDensityFunction.height) / stippleArea) * 0.7);
let lastVoronoi = null;
let stipples = Stipple.createRandomStipples(
let errorThreshold = initialErrorThreshold;
let splitsOrMerges = false;
do {
splitsOrMerges = false;
const startVoronoi = Date.now();
const voronoi = d3.Delaunay
.from(stipples.map(s => s.position()))
.voronoi([0, 0, targetDensityFunction.width, targetDensityFunction.height]);
const endVoronoi = Date.now();
const startDensity = Date.now();
// to compute the target density for each stipple, we can...
// - ...iterate over the stipples/Voronoi cells and find the density for the region
// - ...iterate over the target density function, find its corresponding stipple/Voronoi cell and add the current value to its density
// the former is harder to implement (map the Voronoi cell to discrete indices) but could be done in parallel
// the latter is easier to implement, so we'll stick to that for now
stipples = targetDensityFunction.assignDensity(stipples, voronoi);
const endDensity = Date.now();
const startStipples = Date.now();
const nextStipples = [];
// Note: we also tried making the errorThreshold depend on the stipple area (i.e. e = A_s * errorThreshold)
// and multiplying errorThreshold with a constant factor in each iteration, but it took about 10 times longer
// to get the same results. Maybe multiplying it with r/t, where r is the convergence rate and t is the iteration
// would work better, but it probably wouldn't be faster.
const deleteThreshold = stippleArea - errorThreshold;
const splitThreshold = stippleArea + errorThreshold;
for (let i = 0; i < stipples.length; ++i) {
const s = stipples[i];
const cell = d3.polygonHull(voronoi.cellPolygon(i));
if (s.density < deleteThreshold) {
splitsOrMerges = true;
} else if (s.density > splitThreshold) {
splitsOrMerges = true;
const {position1, position2} = splitCell(cell);
nextStipples.push(new Stipple(...position2));
} else {
if (!nextStipples.length) {
Stipple.createRandomStipples(1, targetDensityFunction.width, targetDensityFunction.height)[0]);
const endStipples = Date.now();
stipples = nextStipples;
lastVoronoi = voronoi;
errorThreshold += thresholdConvergenceRate;
timeVoronoi += endVoronoi - startVoronoi;
timeDensity += endDensity - startDensity;
timeStipples += endStipples - startStipples;
} while (splitsOrMerges);
// timing
const timeTotal = Date.now() - now;
console.debug(`Total time spent: ${timeTotal} ms`);
console.debug(`Time spent building Voronoi diagrams: ${timeVoronoi} ms, ${(timeVoronoi / timeTotal) * 100} %`);
console.debug(`Time spent integrating over Voronoi cells: ${timeDensity} ms, ${(timeDensity / timeTotal) * 100} %`);
console.debug(`Time spent moving, merging and splitting stipples: ${timeStipples} ms, ${(timeStipples / timeTotal) * 100} %`);
// map stipple densities to range [0,1]
const maxDensity = stipples.reduce((maxDensity, s) => {
return s.density > maxDensity ? s.density : maxDensity;
}, 0);
stipples.forEach(s => {
s.density /= maxDensity;
s.relativeX = s.x / targetDensityFunction.width;
s.relativeY = s.y / targetDensityFunction.height;
return {stipples, voronoi: lastVoronoi};
* Creates stipples for a given target density function ({@link DensityFunction2D}) using the algorithm presented by
* Görtler et al. (Stippling of 2D Scalar Fields).
* For contouring techniques either use a {@link DensityFunction2D} created via {@link DensityFunction2D#machBandingFromImageData2D}
* or a {@link RestrictedStipplingDensityFunction2D} instead of a plain {@link DensityFunction2D}.
* Note that the function returns a {@link Promise}, so you either have to await it in an async context or use its
* return values in a {@link Promise} chain.
* Note: this is currently much slower than {@link stipple}. The reason for this is that {@link DensityFunction2D.areaDensity}
* is not optimized. Another problem with this version is that the contouring effect is much weaker than in {@link stipple}.
* Probably because some density values don't contribute to the density of their Voronoi cells due to rounding errors.
* @param targetDensityFunction a {@link DensityFunction2D}
* @param stippleRadius the radius of a {@link Stipple} with respect to the resolution of the {@link DensityFunction2D}
* @param initialErrorThreshold the initial error threshold used for splitting and merging stipples.
* @param thresholdConvergenceRate the error threshold is increased by this amount in every iteration
* @return {Promise<{voronoi: any, stipples: any[]}>} an object containing an array of genereated {@link Stipple} instances as well as a corresponding Voronoi diagram.
const stippleParallel = async (targetDensityFunction, stippleRadius = 5.0, initialErrorThreshold = 0.0, thresholdConvergenceRate = 0.01) => {
// keep track of computation time for indiviual steps
const now = Date.now();
let timeVoronoi = 0;
let timeStippling = 0;
const stippleArea = Math.pow(stippleRadius, 2) * Math.PI;
const numInitialStipples = Math.round(
((targetDensityFunction.width * targetDensityFunction.height) / stippleArea) * 0.7);
let lastVoronoi = null;
let stipples = Stipple.createRandomStipples(
let errorThreshold = initialErrorThreshold;
let splitsOrMerges = false;
do {
splitsOrMerges = false;
const startVoronoi = Date.now();
const voronoi = d3.Delaunay
.from(stipples.map(s => s.position()))
.voronoi([0, 0, targetDensityFunction.width, targetDensityFunction.height]);
const endVoronoi = Date.now();
const startStippling = Date.now();
const deleteThreshold = stippleArea - errorThreshold;
const splitThreshold = stippleArea + errorThreshold;
const foo = (await Promise.all(
stipples.map(async (s, i) => {
const cell = d3.polygonHull(voronoi.cellPolygon(i));
const density = await targetDensityFunction.areaDensity(cell);
if (density < deleteThreshold) {
return null;
} else if (density > splitThreshold) {
const {position1, position2} = splitCell(cell);
return [
new Stipple(...position2)
} else {
s.density = density;
return s;
)).reduce((acc, s) => { // clean up stipples in one loop instead of doing filter(s => s).flat()
if (s) {
if (Array.isArray(s)) {
acc.splitsOrMerges = true;
} else {
} else {
acc.splitsOrMerges = true;
return acc;
}, {stipples: [], splitsOrMerges: false});
stipples = foo.stipples;
splitsOrMerges = foo.splitsOrMerges;
const endStippling = Date.now();
lastVoronoi = voronoi;
errorThreshold += thresholdConvergenceRate;
timeVoronoi += endVoronoi - startVoronoi;
timeStippling += endStippling - startStippling;
} while (splitsOrMerges);
// timing
const timeTotal = Date.now() - now;
console.debug(`Total time spent: ${timeTotal} ms`);
console.debug(`Time spent building Voronoi diagrams: ${timeVoronoi} ms, ${(timeVoronoi / timeTotal) * 100} %`);
console.debug(`Time spent integrating over Voronoi cells and processing stipples: ${timeStippling} ms, ${(timeStippling / timeTotal) * 100} %`);
// map stipple densities to range [0,1]
const maxDensity = stipples.reduce((maxDensity, s) => {
return s.density > maxDensity ? s.density : maxDensity;
}, 0);
stipples.forEach(s => {
s.density /= maxDensity;
s.relativeX = s.x / targetDensityFunction.width;
s.relativeY = s.y / targetDensityFunction.height;
return {stipples, voronoi: lastVoronoi};